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- Charitable Giving Strategies > Testimonials


We have had the privilege of working with many wonderful clients. Those that have an interest in philanthropy are so happy that an organization, such as ours, is out there that specializes in providing comprehensive financial guidance on charitable giving strategies.

When we first meet our clients generally they have a cause they would like to support. They would like to give more but generally they are not because they have no idea how to work it into their financial plans. It is when we take the time to show them what can be achieved that we are often genuinely humbled by their feedback as they are generally overwhelmed emotionally by the gift they have been able to create.

These same clients have offered to provide testimonials, and we have received them graciously, but we have chosen not to add these glowing comments to our web site. Why? Quite frankly, because we do not feel they would add anything constructive. Have you ever read a negative testimonial; is that really possible? We just think what you see as testimonials is not necessarily believable.

We prefer to provide you with “real life” stories, based on our clients’ situations and leave you to determine whether our work, our approach and what we provided was of value to the donors, the subjects of our stories...

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Contact Transitions Wealth

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